

function isObjectLiteral(value: unknown): value is ObjectLiteral

Checks if a value was created using object literal syntax (curly brackets), that is if it has a prototype other than Object.


The value to check.


import { Objects } from 'potence';

console.log(Objects.isObjectLiteral(new Date()));  // -> false
console.log(Objects.isObjectLiteral({ a: 5 }));    // -> true


Note that there is no actual way to check how an object was created. Therefore, this check should be considered an approximation rather than taken as absolute truth. This function only checks whether the object’s prototype is Object (that is, it has no other values in its prototype chain). As a result, calling Objects.isObjectLiteral(new Object()) will actually return true, even though the object was not created using object literal syntax.

This function is most useful to ensure that a plain object was passed to your function, as opposed to, for example, a class instance.

Just like Objects.isObject(), this function serves as a type guard against an arbitrary Record type with values of type unknown, allowing you to safely access any of the value’s properties if the check succeeds.