

function getPropertyDescriptor(object: unknown, property: string | number | symbol): PropertyDescriptor | undefined

Returns a property descriptor for the given property on the object.


The object on which the property resides.


The key of the property whose information to retrieve.


import { Objects } from 'potence';

class Base {
    public value(): number {
        return 5;
class Inherited extends Base { }

const inherited = new Inherited();

Objects.getPropertyDescriptor(inherited, 'value')!.value();  // -> 5


See Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor() for a description of how property descriptors work.

The only difference between this function and Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor() is that this function also travels down the object’s prototype chain until it finds a property of the specified name or until it reaches the end of the chain. As such, this function is well-suited for working with generic objects with inheritance chains. Be aware, however, that the time complexity of this function rises the further down the prototype chain the target property resides.