

Overload 1: Closest Number

function closest(array: readonly number[], target: number): number

In an array of numbers, returns the number closest to the given number.


An array that contains only numbers.


Any number. The function will loop through array and return the number closest to target.

Overload 2: Closest Element

function closest<T>(array: readonly T[], callback: (item: T) => number, target: number): T

Returns the array element closest to the result of a custom callback function.


An array that may contain any type.


A callback that will be executed for every array element and should return a number. This callback will help associate each array element with a number. These numbers will then be compared against target and the array element closest to target will be returned.


The target number to compare the results of callback against.

Example 1: Number Array

import { Arrays } from 'potence';

const numbers = [2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128];

Array.closest(numbers, 1);    // -> 2
Array.closest(numbers, 6);    // -> 4
Array.closest(numbers, 50);   // -> 64
Array.closest(numbers, 100);  // -> 128

Example 2: Non-Number Array

import { Arrays } from 'potence';

const strings = ['orange', 'multi-word string', 'goat', 'electricity'];

// Find the string with a length closest to 10

Arrays.closest(array, string => string.length, 10);
// -> 'electricity'


If the array is empty, this function will simply return the target number.

If two array elements are equidistant from one another (meaning that their associated reference number is identical), this function will return the array element with the lowest index (as in: the one that shows up first in the array).