
function compare(value1: number, value2: number, tolerance?: number): boolean

Accurately compares two integral or floating point numbers with the given tolerance and returns a value indicating whether they are “equal”.


The first number to compare.


The second number to compare.

tolerance Optional

The tolerance to use for this comparison. By default, this is 0.0000001. To use a custom tolerance, either supply this argument or configure a new global default tolerance using Numbers.configure().


import { Numbers } from 'potence'; + 0.2, 0.3)  // -> true


This function will always return false if one of the operands is either NaN, Infinity, or -Infinity.

On Tolerances

We should all be more tolerant of one another, but this goes doubly for floating point numbers. Long story short: all numbers are represented by a finite number of bits (64 in JavaScript), but what if the number of bits you have available are not enough to store the floating point number in question?

The answer is that your number will essentially be truncated. If more than 64 bits are necessary to store your float, all bits beyond the 64th will be cut off and you’ll end up with an approximated value. A good example for this is any fraction whose floating point representation is a repeating decimal, like 13 (0.33333333...). Since bits cannot infinitely repeat, this means that your floating point third will only contain about 16 digits, which is mathematically not equal to 13.

The same can happen with any kind of floating point arithmetic. For instance, 0.1 + 0.2 does not equal 0.3 in most programming languages. Instead the result will be something like 0.30000000000000004. This is because neither 0.1 nor 0.2 nor 0.3 can be accurately represented in binary notation, which means they are rounded before they are stored. Generally, if you’re converting such a number to string, the language will cut off decimals after a certain point as it realizes those are probably an inaccuracy.

You can try that yourself. Try to open a JavaScript console on this web page and entering the number 0.10000000000000000555 (which is closer to 0.1’s binary representation). Chances are your console will simply print 0.1.

The problem comes from attempting to either add, subtract, multiply, or divide such inaccurate values. Instead of only the result being rounded, you’ll be doing a mathematical operation with already rounded numbers, which means that even before the result is rounded to fit it into binary, it’s already inaccurate. That is why 0.1 + 0.2 !== 0.3.

This function allows you to combat this problem. By specifying an appropriate tolerance (or leaving the default tolerance), you’ll essentially say, “If these two decimals diverge from each other by a very small margin, please consider that just floating point inaccuracy and return true for me anyway.”

See here for a good article on floating point inaccuracies.

If you’re comparing two integral numbers with each other, there is no need to use this function at all. In that case, you should use a simple equals comparison (===) instead.

Warning: This function does not use Number.EPSILON as its default tolerance. This is by design. As the MDN documentation states, Number.EPSILON is not some kind of magic value to aid you in all your decimal comparison pursuits. It is merely the difference between 1 and the smallest floating point number greater than 1. This means that Number.EPSILON is an extremely small number. It just so happens that Math.abs(0.1 + 0.2 - 0.3) < Number.EPSILON, but for most floating point inaccuracies, this is not the case.