

function getConstructor<T>(object: T): Constructor<T> | undefined

Gets the constructor of an object.


The object to retrieve the constructor of.


import { Objects } from 'potence';

const date = new Date();
const constructor = Objects.getConstructor(date);
const date2 = new constructor();


In JavaScript, all values* have a retrievable constructor, even primitives like numbers and strings. When working with constructors in a generic manner, retrieving these primitive constructors is usually not what you want, so the following object types will return undefined instead of their constructor:

  • All primitives (including numbers, strings, big ints, etc.)
  • Objects whose immediate prototype is Object (object literals)
  • Arrays whose immediate prototype is Array (excluding custom arrays)

If you’d like to obtain those constructors as well, use the constructor property.

* With the exception of objects created using Object.create(null)