

function isObject(value: unknown): value is ObjectLiteral

Checks if a value is an object (that is, not a primitive).


The value to check.


import { Objects } from 'potence';

const obj: unknown = ...;

if (Objects.isObject(obj)) {
    obj['a'] = 5;  // no error


This check returns false on null (even though JavaScript itself considers null to be an object), but returns true on objects, functions, and arrays.

This function can be useful to check whether properties are supported on a value. In other words, if this check succeeds, you can safely access properties on the value using bracket syntax (e.g. value['myProp']).

Note that, even though bracket syntax can be used if the check succeeds, there is still no way to know if a property exists on the type or, if it does, what type it is. Therefore, all properties will be typed as unknown. To check whether a specific property exists on a type, prefer either Objects.hasProperty() or Objects.structure().

Compare primitive and isPrimitive().

For TypeScript Users

The function’s return type is value is ObjectLiteral. ObjectLiteral is a helper type to mean “a Record of any valid key type and the specified value type” (by default: unknown).

In other words: in this context, ObjectLiteral only means that the object has an arbitrary index signature, i.e. that you can access any key without a TypeScript (or runtime) error, because ensuring that is the most likely reason to use this function at all.

It does not mean that the value is literally an object literal, that is an object created via curly bracket syntax. If you’d like to check if an object was created using curly bracket syntax, use Objects.isObjectLiteral().