

interface Configuration {
    defaultTolerance?: number;

function configure(configuration: Configuration): void

Configures the default tolerance to use for number comparison.


A configuration object containing any of the below properties.

configuration.defaultTolerance Optional

A new default tolerance to use in See below for more information.


import { Numbers } from 'potence';

Numbers.configure({ defaultTolerance: 0.000001 });


If this function is never called, the default tolerance used for is 0.0000001. This value is sufficiently large to cover most floating point inaccuracies that are likely to occur. If you find this value too high or too low for your application, it is recommended to call this function once near the entry point of your application. If you need to use a different tolerance at different points, you should use’s third argument instead, which allows you to specify a custom tolerance for that specific number comparison.

Important: As expressed in, you mustn’t assign Number.EPSILON to the default tolerance. Choose a tolerance appropriate for your application. For instance, if you know you’re only going to deal with or care about the first 4 decimal places, you could use a default tolerance of 0.00001. If you need higher precision, use a smaller tolerance. Number.EPSILON is much too small to be useful in the vast majority of instances.