

function roman(value: number): string

Converts a positive non-zero integer to a roman numeral.


The value to convert to a roman numeral. Note that only positive integer values can be converted. If the value is zero or negative, this function will throw an error. If the value is a floating point number, it is truncated before being converted.


import { Numbers } from 'potence';

Numbers.roman(3);     // -> 'III'
Numbers.roman(2021);  // -> 'MMXXI'


Canonically the largest number that can be represented in roman notation is 3,999 (MMMCMXCIX). This function, in contrast, allows arbitrarily large values to be converted and will simply chain the largest roman numeral as many times as needed. It should be noted that this technically violates the rules of roman notation. If this matters to you, you should ensure you do not pass values larger than 3,999 to this function.