

Overload 1

function range(from: number, to: number): Range

Creates a new Range from the two bounds.


The left bound of the Range. This is not necessarily the smaller value.


The right bound of the Range. This is not necessarily the larger value.

Overload 2

function range(...values: number[]): Range

Creates a new Range that spans all the numbers specified.

values Rest

All the values that the range should span. The range will be between the smallest and the largest element.

Note that a range must have at least two bounds, so specifying less than two numbers here will result in an error, and if you specify exactly two numbers the other overload will be used instead (in which case, unlike here, the order of the arguments actually matters).


import { Numbers } from 'potence';

const range = Numbers.range(10, 5);          // -> Range from 10 to 5 (inverted)
const range2 = Numbers.range(10, 2, 12, 0);  // -> Range from 0 to 12


Due to conflicts with the Range from lib.dom.d.ts, you may wish to create a new range using this function instead of using Range’s constructor directly.